Our Fall Bible Conference was held the weekend of November 3–5, 2023. Our speaker, Dr. Andrew Snelling, focused on creation, the flood, and fossils.

Dr. Snelling holds a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney, Australia. He serves as Answers in Genesis’ Director of Research and is the Editor-in-Chief of the online Answers Research Journal. Dr. Snelling is active in research, writing, and speaking on topics such as the flood, fossils, the Grand Canyon, and the radioactive dating of rocks.

Please check out the conference recordings below!

Session 2 (Saturday 9:30am) – Rock Layers, Fossils and the Flood

Session 1 (Friday 7pm) – Scripture and Science Declare a Young Earth

Session 3 (Saturday 1pm) – Catastrophic Plate Tectonics: The Mechanism of the Flood

Q&A (Sunday 11:15am)

Worship Service (Sunday 9:30am) - Who Is Jesus Christ? Resolving the Creation Issue